Reflecting on the Journey thus Far
The old adage is true. There are some things you just can't talk about without controversy. Religion is one of them. I receive some comments on here and elsewhere as well as private emails regarding my journey. The most common criticism is that I'm "playing around" and not taking church seriously. Sometimes they get a bit uglier, such as stating I'm in open rebellion to God or implying I'm not a mature Christian because otherwise I would attach myself to a church and become involved. I've also been told that this journey is the functional equivalent of being "out of church." I'm guessing that means it would be better if I stayed home and slept. Just this week, a reader posted this in the comments section: It doesn’t seem to me that you were in search of an experience or connection with God and my Lord and Savior. You were looking to critique and find something wrong and that’s just what you got. This one surprised me, but then when people are offended, they sometimes respond with anger. That's a normal human reaction.
On the other hand, I have received numerous emails and posts from people who have written very complimentary things, either expressing appreciation for what I've written or encouraging me to continue on this journey. One reader said they were starting to become interested in going to church again. That was probably the neatest thing I've been told. On a couple of other blogs, I have seen complimentary things said, one by a guy who is definitely a non-church person. Grace Covenant Church's overwhelming response to my visit, including mentioning it in their e-news letter to their membership was both surprising and exciting to me. I have had lunch with one pastor and have open invitations by two others for lunch and/or coffee. I have had another pastor ask me to add their church to the list for future visits (which you can see has grown rather large).
I want to thank all the churches who have so graciously opened their doors and experience to me. It is no small event when joining people in worship and praise of God. I find myself relating to people I don't even know because, in the end, we are people bound together in awe of Him. I also want to thank the readers who post here, write me private emails, etc. I enjoy those little connections! Maybe one day, we'll all get together and share stories of our journeys.
Until then, we can do that here.
I greatly admire your mission to try a new church (sometimes multiple) every week. Christians nowadays get lumped into the close-minded, evangelical stereotype - but by trying something new each week, I think you are helping to disprove it.
I've been reading your posts for over a month and I've found them very fascinating. You've done a great job presenting your personal observations in a non-judgmental, fairly objective way. Even when you do express your opinions, you've been more than tactful. At the very least, you've opened up hopefully healthy dialogues about why people attend church and what types of worship environment they prefer. A step further, and you have probably opened the door for non-churchgoers to feel a little more comfortable stepping into a new church on a given Sunday. Blessings, and enjoy your future Sundays.
I don't know who's been criticizing you, but I think you're doing fine. This blog is really good! And I don't say that lightly. You're a good writer and have an interesting and open outlook on the different churches. I look forward to more.
I left my church about six months ago - I just wasn't getting enough out of it, I just wasn't passionate about attending. I started to church shop, but gave up out of frustration. My friend gave me your website last night, I'm thankful for the divine intervention that may actually lead me back to finding a church again. Thanks.
My familiy and I live in Colorado Springs and are possibly moving to Austin in a few months. I am so thankful to have run across your blog. We'll be looking for a new church to join and will definitely utilize your input.
Blessings to you!
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